


"The cell is a machine driven by energy.  It can thus be approached by studying matter or by studying energy.  In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."

Albert Szent-Gyorgy (Nobel Laureate in Medicine)

Recapping the Benefits of the Integrative, Complementary, Adjunctive Energetic Therapy Known As Aura Patches...


    Aura Patches: The Aura Patch Therapy System

The Aura Therapy System™ Offers:

  • Continuous Healing Energy

  • Effective, Convenient & Affordable
  • Designed To Energetically Rid Root Causes & Symptoms of Many Common Health Complaints
  • No Harmful Chemicals or Toxic Side Effects
  • Safe For Children, Elderly and Fragile
  • Hypo-Allergenic


T-01 Bedtime

Designed to bioenergetically balance pineal gland,  restore natural circadian rhythms and sleep cycles, and regulate melatonin.  It supports stress handling, anxiety, and depression all of which are effected when there is sleep deprivation and resulting low energy.

**Place this patch in pillowcase where your head lies.  This patch will last for 6 - 7 nights

10 Week Supply

$ 29.95

T-02 Brain-Liver

This patch was developed to bioenergetically support individuals that have issues pertaining to the Brain and Liver.  It is a supportive adjunctive therapy for individuals with Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Epstein Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or other biological agents.

30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-03 Candida

This patch contains the energetic programs for addressing the extremely common issues of yeast and fungus.  Because of the widespread use of oral antibiotics and drinking chlorinated water, it is estimated that 80% of Americans have yeast and / or fungal overgrowths.  This patch is a bioenergetic adjunctive therapy for Systemic Candiasis, Vaginal Yeast Infection, Athletes Foot, Oral Thrush, Thrush Diaper Rash, Nail Fungus, Jock Itch and other issues that may caused by yeast issues like colic, diarrhea, constipation, eczema, hair loss and cradle cap to name a few.

30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-04 Circulation

This patch has been developed to bioenergetically address any condition related to plaques and calcifications.  This would include arterial plaques and calcifications that can lead to atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, gall stones, liver stones, kidney stones, oral plaques, tarter build-up, and poor circulation.  Traditional medicine & dental has proved the link between gingivitis and periodontal disease with an increased risk of heart attack & stroke.  What do these 2 things have in common?  - Plaque and calcifications.  Heart disease is the number one killer in the US.

30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-05 Colds - Bacteria

This patch was designed to bioenergetic ally enhance the body’s natural ability to protect and fight off common bacterial infections such as staph, strep, salmonella, pneumonia, & e-coli.

30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-06 Comfort / Pain

This patch was developed with the frequencies to soothe pain associated with headaches, pain, physical or surgical trauma, migraines, acute injury, inflammatory conditions like fibromyalgia, or arthritis.  For best healing, restorative & fast results try in conjunction with H-GH4.

30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-07 Digestive Comfort

This program was designed to bioenergetically assist the body in fight the bacteria strains associated with acid reflux, stomach and duodenal ulcers, acid indigestion and other gastroenteritis complaints.

30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-08 Energy & Stamina

This one quickly became my personal favorite short term patch.  It was developed to enhance mental alertness, focus, concentration, decreased energy and mental fatigue.  It is great for long drives, dull or boring classes or seminars, important reading, special projects that require you to be your best but fell like you’re in a mental fog.  The effects wear off about 5 minutes after removing it.  Try that with chemical stimulants like ephedra or caffeine!

30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-09 Enzymes DB

This patch was developed to bioenergetically enhance enzymatic activity, to support individuals with blood sugar regulation challenges which are associated with diabetes and hypoglycemia.  Bioenergetic research has detected a genetic blood coagulation disorder that causes fibrin accumulations that tend to collect in the liver and pancreas.  It was programmed with to assist the body in ridding fibrin accumulations.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-10 OLE (Olive Leaf Extract)

This program was designed to bioenergetically assist the body in ridding the Herpes virus.  This includes Herpes Simplex, Shingles, Genital Herpes, and HPV.  Bioenergetic testing reveals that individuals that have frequent outbreaks have the presence of a fungal host.  This host will allow the Herpes to hide out or use as a shield when treated with conventional methods or are in unfavorable conditions.  This patch also contains factors for assisting the body to rid this fungal host.  For best results use consistently for 3-4 months.  You may want to use a couple patches during periods of breakouts or if you are more susceptible.  Like during illness, injury or extreme weakness or stress.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-11 Eyes

This patch includes bioenergetic factors for restoring energy patterns to and support eye issues like glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, retinopathy, and floaters.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-12 Female Hormone

This much needed program was developed to bioenergetically restore and regulate the female cycle and hormones.  It includes energetic factors that address hot flashes, bloating, cramping, hormonal imbalances, low or poor libido, diminished blood flow to genital area and weakened orgasms. 

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-13 FLU-Viruses

This program was designed to enhance the body's ability to rid common viral infections like flu & the common cold.  This is a fast acting patch but will only work for viral infections.  If you haven't started to get relief it is likely that it is a bacterial infection and you should switch to the colds-bacteria patch.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-14 Hep-DL 10X

This patch was developed to bioenergetically support the body to address blood clotting disorders.  It helps rid accumulations in the liver, pancreas, and adrenal glands.  It also aids in ridding environmental toxins.  It is not recommended for the who are on any anticoagulant medications.

  30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-15 H-GH4

This is one of the most popular patches since if added with any other therapy there are better results and a quicker turnaround.  It was developed to support faster healing, general wellness, to balance pH, anti-oxidants & the inclusion of the energetic factors for human growth hormone, it acts as a longevity and anti-aging.

  30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-16 Ideal Beauty

This patch was developed to bioenergetically enhance the skin & hair by retaining moisture, reducing wrinkles, strengthening & toning.  It also includes energetic factors for psoriasis.  However, some skin conditions can be bacteria, yeast or fugal infections so additional support may be needed to completely clear up.

  30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-17 Joint Comfort

This program was developed to energetically support the healing of arthritis and bone deterioration associated with Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Paget's disease, painful or damaged connective tissue and Osteoporosis.  For the best results use for 3-4 months and in conjunction with Comfort / Pain patch and H-GH4.

   30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-18 Longevity

This program was developed to bioenergetically support anti-aging efforts.  Is assists the body raise & improve human growth hormone, & DHEA.  It also contains anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, testosterone, & progesterone to energetically enhance these factors.

  30 Day Supply

$ 29.95

T-19 Rejuvenator 300Gp

These energetic seals act as a magnetic mattress without the high price-tag.  Sleeping while energetically balanced helps cell production & regeneration for faster healing.

Lasts 3 Months

$ 39.95


T-20 Male Hormone

This patch was developed to bioenergetically address all male hormonal issues.  It supports the prostate, aids the balancing of testosterone, erection enhancement, improved orgasms, increased semen production, and libido balancing.  If circulatory issues and/or diabetes are also present it can be an underlying cause of erectile dysfunctions so you may want to consider T-04 Circulation,  T-08 Enzymes DB, T-14 Hep-DL 10X in conjunction with or instead of the male hormone patch.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-21 Memory

This program contains the energetic factors to help support and enhance both short term and long term memory.   It aids the restoration of depleted energy in the brain which can be seen in individuals with Alzheimer's.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-22 Organ Cleanse

This patch was developed to provide assistance with the body's detoxification efforts of 79 the most common toxins.  It includes energetic factors for heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, lead, & common environmental toxins like formaldehyde.  Since there are numerous studies that implicate environmental toxins causing cancer, this patch may help bioenergetically support individuals fighting this battle.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-23 Parasites (General Microbes)

This program was designed to be an energetic protector from bacteria, viruses, worms, fungus, amebas. 

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-24 R1H2 Therapy

This patch was developed to bioenergetically assist the brain in ridding it of a specific viral frequency that is found in the vast majority of individuals with Parkinson's, Lyme Disease and Autism (this is no longer the primary patch developed as an adjunctive therapy for autism see T-34 Children's Mental Focus).  This viral signature has been found in the brains of 99% of hundreds of children tested.  For best results use for 3-4 months.

  30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-25 Scar Tissue

This patch was designed to bioenergetically assist the body to soften and rid scarring of all sorts.  This especially supports individuals prone to scaring like those dealing with the challenges of multiple sclerosis, breast augmentation & other surgical procedures where scarring and adhesions are common.

  30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-26 Season Best

This program was developed specifically for those dealing with environmental / seasonal and food allergies or sensitivities.  Bioenergetic research has shown a link between those with allergies and those with pathogenic organisms especially to fungus.  Therefore, you may get the best results by either starting with the Candida (or Parasites patch) and following up with Season Best or using Candida and Season Best at same time.

30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-27 Stress Less

This is a very popular patch and was developed to energetically aid in stress handling and reducing anxiety and depression.  For best results try in conjunction with H-GH4 and as adjunctive therapy for the psychological counseling, medication, dietary and/or lifestyle changes you may also be doing.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-28 Weight Management

This patch was developed to assist you with your weight loss efforts in numerous ways.  It contains the healing frequencies for; 5 different fat burners, detoxing organs, reducing bloating, increasing lymphatic flow to help remove the fat, encouraging physical activities and energy, and appetite balancing (Aura Int'l says to reduce appetite, However, in my clinical observations those with a reduced or sporadic appetite will have their appetite improved - therefore balancing).  Most people know it is important for a fast metabolism to eat smaller portions of good wholesome food in regular intervals.  Those with impaired appetites can frequently "forget to eat" since they don't get the hunger signals from the hypothalamus and they actually slow down their metabolism.  If you are in the skipping meals for lack of hunger category, don't be surprised if you find yourself hungry more frequently.  Just make sure to eat good wholesome foods that will support your weight-loss efforts and your metabolism will pick up speed in no time.  One more note here, I have also seen this patch have a positive effect for acne.  Most likely this is due to the removal and clearing of fats in the lymphatics and its detoxing factors, and positive changes in the diet.

 30 Day Supply

$ 29.95


T-29 Hair Restoration

This program was developed to bioenergetically assist individuals suffering with the challenges of balding and thinning hair.  For best results, use consistently for several months.  If you show signs of fungal or yeast infections (such as fungal nails, thrush, eczema, dandruff, jock itch, athletes foot etc) you may get the best results by including the Candida patch with your therapy as well.

30 Day Supply

$ 39.95

T-30 Master Immune Stimulator

This patch was developed to help support those suffering from a weakened immune system noted with frequent or chronic infections or invasions.  For best results, any pathogenic invasions or overgrowths should be addressed prior to using this program.  As a basic eviction of most pathogenic strains we recommend using the parasite patch for 60 days first.

30 Day Supply

$ 39.95

T-31 Kidney Adrenal Thyroid

This patch was developed not as hormone replacement but to energetically support the function of these vitally important organs.  These glands are most important for stress handling, energy and metabolism.

30 Day Supply

$ 39.95

T-32 Recovery

This specialty program was developed to energetically enhance stem cell activity.  It contains all the pre-cursor information for every organ & system of the body.  Aura Int'l refers to this one as the "Master Informational Platform".  Not only does it improve whatever therapy it is used in conjunction with, it makes for a great health maintenance program when 1 patch is worn for 3 days each week.

30 Day Supply

$ 49.95

T-33 Adult Mental Focus Therapy

These specialty programs contain numerous factors that has specifically been developed to support a number of mental health challenges.  It was developed studying individuals with daily mental conflicts.  These could include challenges such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADD / ADHD, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Schizophrenia, Parkinson's, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Bi-Polar or Tourette's Syndrome to name a few.  Based on the energetic commonalities noted for individuals in this study group, this patch contains the frequencies to address and restore balance to these factors


  • Edema, swelling & inflammation in the brain

  • Restores energetic balance to the cerebrum thereby stabilizing and supporting the concentration and memory capabilities

  • Addresses the commonly found pathogens in the brain

  • Contains a complete program to enhance the natural functions of the brain.

  • When used with the recovery patch it helps to slowly re-establish the neural pathways in the brain.

For best results use for at least 4-6 months.

30 Day Supply

$ 49.95

T-34 Children's Mental Focus

This is the same as the Adult Mental Focus Patch but the proceeds go to help support a non-profit study organization.

These specialty programs contain numerous factors that has specifically been developed to support a number of mental health challenges.  It was developed studying individuals with daily mental conflicts.  These could include challenges such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADD / ADHD, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Schizophrenia, Parkinson's, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bi-Polar & Tourette's Syndrome.  Based on the energetic commonalities noted for individuals in this study group, this patch contains the frequencies to address and restore balance to these factors


  • Edema, swelling & inflammation in the brain

  • Restores energetic balance to the cerebrum thereby stabilizing and supporting the concentration and memory capabilities

  • Addresses the commonly found pathogens in the brain

  • Contains a complete program to enhance the natural functions of the brain.

  • When used with Recovery it helps to slowly re-establish the natural neural pathways of the brain.

For best results use for at least 4-6 months.

30 Day Supply

$ 49.95